Welcome to the web pages of the GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT
Table of Contents
The next Gauss Society Annual Meeting takes place on October ...., 2025.
Aims of the GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT Göttingen
GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT: Addresses and Membership
Annual Meetings of the Gauss Society in Göttingen
Aims of the GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT Göttingen:
The GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT e.V. pursues exclusively non-profit aims of public interest in the sense of
This goal is to be attained particularly through:
Dr. Axel Wittmann
For questions of all kind please contact the secretary (Geschäftsführer)
The Gauss web pages have been prepared with care.
Datenschutzerkläung der GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT Göttingen
Die Gauß Web-Seiten wurden mit Sorgfalt erstellt. E-Mail:
Gudrun Wolfschmidt
The last change was made 14 January 2025.
Aims of the GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT Göttingen
(cf. `Satzung' (rules)
new version, accepted on November 21, 2016 (Registergericht Göttingen) - in German)
'Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke' (tax-deductible purposes) of the tax regulations.
The aim of the society is to preserve the memory of the scholar and the person Carl Friedrich Gauß,
in co-operation with the Georg-August University of Göttingen,
the Academy of Sciences of Göttingen and the city of Göttingen.
GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT: Addresses and Membership
Obere Mühlenstr. 7
37124 Rosdorf, Germany
Dr. Axel Wittmann.
Membership fee (since 2016) 40 € annually.
Managing committee of the GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT
Dr. Klaus Reinsch (Göttingen)
[from January 21, 2023, initially on a provisional basis]
Institute for Astrophysics, University of Göttingen
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen
Tel.: +49-551-392-4037
E-Mail: Reinsch
Dr. Birgit Großkopf
Private address: Wolfgang-Pauli-Weg 4, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel. priv. +49-551-33194,
e-mail: Grosskopf
Dr. Daniel Steil
I. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen
Tel. 0551-392-5717
E-Mail: Steil
Dr. Axel Wittmann
Private address: Obere Mühlenstr. 7, 37124 Rosdorf, Germany
Tel. priv. +49-551-78431,
e-mail: Wittmann
Prof.(em.) Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt
Center for History of Science and Technology,
Hamburg Observatory, University of Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55 - Geomatikum, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49-40-42838-9126,
The Gauss Society shall, however, NOT assume any warranty whatsoever for any of its contents,
and, in particular, for the contents of linked webpages operated by third parties!
Die GAUSS-GESELLSCHAFT übernimmt jedoch KEINE wie auch immer geartete Haftung für deren Inhalt
und insbesondere den Inhalt hier verlinkter, von Dritten gestalteter Webseiten!
Questions, criticism, and ideas concerning the web pages please